Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Success Story of a Leader – Shykh Seraj

Rezwanur Rahim

BIZ BEE (BRAC University Business Club) organized a seminar on agriculture business of Bangladesh, in which chief guest of the seminar was Shykh Seraj, on March 10th, 2010. Shykh Seraj is an eminent journalist and agriculture development activist, and an Ashoka fellow, who was the first person to use media as the educational tools in Bangladesh since 1980s. Shykh Seraj talked concerning the recent development and problems in agro based business of Bangladesh, the problems the farmers are facing and its impact in our economy. He stated that the country like Bangladesh could only be developed if the farmer’s situation is improved.

Shykh Seraj receiving crest from Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Farik.

Shykh Seraj and Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir with the members of BIZ BEE

Bangladesh is primarily an agrarian economy. It is very necessary for the university-going students to know the possibilities and opportunities of agro-business to make the country a better place to live. The seminar ended with a lively Q&A session. Professor Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Pro-Vice Chancellor of BRAC University, was also present.