"Comments can improve the style, language, and contents of our blog"

So far we have 900 + visitors from all over the world in this blog, however there are only few person commented on the post. Comments and ideas can improve our blog in many ways. Before, people with valid ID could only comment but now anyone can comments and share his/her ideas with us easily.

Before posting any comment please read the RULES at the bottom.

How to comment?

Step 1: Click the post and go at the bottom where you will find a box to comment. See the picture below
Step 2: Select the option which you prefer from the drop down menu. See the picture below

Step 3: After writing the comment, click "Post Comment" button. A verification code will appear, enter the code and click "Post Comment" again.Your comments will need approval from Blog authority, so you have to wait for the while to see you comment.


* All the comments will be moderated before publishing to the post.
* Do not comment anything which is against the rule of BRAC University and BIZ BEE.
* Comments should be related to the blog, blog post, page, style, pictures and contents. Do not post any comment which is not related to the blog, otherwise your comments will be deleted.
* Any abusive or derogatory words will not be tolerated.
* Blog authority hold all the rights to delete any comment without any prior notice.