Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Interview Session of BIZ BEE

Eshita Newaz

For recruiting new members for BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE), an interview session was held on 3rd October, 2010 as it was anticipated in every semester. The students, who signed up for BIZ BEE in the club fair were called for this interview session. It started from 5 p.m. Before entering in the interview room, the students filled up a questioner about themselves as BIZ BEE always looks for active and energetic members.

A student at the Interview Session

The President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Directors and Assistant- Directors were in the interview board. The students were briefly introduced with the regular activities of BIZ BEE by the volunteers before going for the interview. The whole session was very formal as BIZ BEE follows the norms and regulations of corporate culture. In the interview room, there were three boards. Each board was consisted of three members. The students were asked different types of questions to get to know about their enthusiasm and interest to work with BIZ BEE.

Questions were about business, time management, organization, creativity, expectation and so on. Students shared their business related thoughts and obligations with them. Lots of new views and ideas came out from students as well as some claptrap also found there. By analyzing the overall performance, general members were selected. Therefore, selected members were given the invitation card for joining Face 2 Face which will held on 6th October, 2010 in Indoor Games Room.

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