Thursday, September 30, 2010

Club Fair (Fall 2010)

Mir Muddassir Ahmed

It was not one of those ‘typical’ days in BRAC University. It was the long anticipated ‘Club Fair’. At the start of every semester, a club fair is organized in order to introduce all the clubs to all the students of BRAC University with a purpose of encouraging them to concentrate on practical learning and put their inner potential into task besides getting good grades. 

BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE) at the Club Fair (Fall '10)

On 30th September, the club fair of fall’10 was arranged with a title, “Mela”. As always, the fair covered almost the whole cafeteria alongside the indoor games room. Our BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE) stall found its place in the indoor games room. Early preparations were taken before the fair consisting of setting up the stall, designing the back wall with posters, pictures and club emblem. Also the table was decorated with flowers and floating candles. On top of the table were the BIZ BEE sign up forms, brochures covering the most recent activities conducted by BIZ BEE, its vision and future goals and of course, it’s brief introduction finding its way right at the front-line. 

Dr. Golam Samdani Fakir talking with the members of BIZ BEE

The fair started at 10 O’clock with the Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. Golam Samdani Fakir finally arriving and was welcomed with a warm applause. He spoke to all the clubs’ representatives in the stall turn by turn. During BIZ BEE’s turn, Naimul Rashid, President of BIZ BEE, alongside a senior representative introduced BIZ BEE and its wide ranged activities in detail. Pure emphasis was given on the improvement of students’ practical knowledge about business and the vast world it covers by arranging seminars, workshops, and tours to business organizations which in turn will make the students have a clear glimpse about the vast corporate world, its culture and put them a step ahead in their future job life. 

A student signing up to join BIZ BEE

 The Pro VC’s departure was followed by the rush of the mostly newbie students to all the stalls as they showed keen interest to join clubs and forums which suited their interest and purpose. Likewise, BIZ BEE experienced the same enthusiastic energy in the eyes of the interested ones eager to sign up in the club. They were conveyed the same message as conveyed to the Pro VC. It even boosted their enthusiasm. Almost 60 sign-up sheets were filled up and the ones signing were informed about the upcoming interview based on which selection will be done. The fair finally ended at 1.00 pm followed by a lunch with the executives of BIZ BEE.

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