Wednesday, September 22, 2010

General Body Meeting

Farah Tasmem

A General Body Meeting(GBM) was held on 22nd September, 2010 by BIZ BEE. The meeting started at 5 p.m. with a slideshow on the activities of previous semester. The photos of the tour at Nator, PRAN Agro Ltd and RAJBARI were shown in the slide. After that President of BIZ BEE, Naimul Rashid discussed about the future plan of this semester. BIZ BEE planned to do such activities which will help the students to enrich their practical knowledge about the competitive world of business. He also showed the hierarchy of the management team and introduced with the new executives. 

GBM in progress.

From left: Naimul Rashid and Noor Ibna Syeed.

Students were asked some questions related with BIZ BEE and business. The Assistant Director of Organizing and Management, Noor Ibna Syeed told the student the rules and regulations of BIZ BEE and importance of those rules in future life. The Additional Vice President, Syed Nazmus Sakib talked about the upcoming programs of BIZ BEE. There will be a number of programs including Face 2 Face, workshop, seminar, tour and so on and BIZ BEE is going to have a blast in this semester. 

Members of BIZ BEE at the GBM.
BIZ BEE is also launching a Business Magazine on the first week of December. The Director of Information technology, Rezwan Rahim who is the editor of this magazine divided the members into some groups and discussed their responsibilities for the magazine. The meeting was finished at 6:30 p.m. with some refreshments.

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