Friday, October 15, 2010


Samina Akter Rupa

BIZ BEE members @ Coca - Cola factory, Comilla
After organizing a bunch of programs, it was the time for having some fresh air. But it was not possible in this massy and polluted city and as BIZ BEE always emphasizes on relating academic knowledge with realistic world it arranged a tour to Comilla. The function of this tour was to visit the ABDUL MONEM LIMITED COMILLA BEVERAGE UNIT and BARD (Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development). 

Beauty of Bangladesh
On 15th October, 2010 our journey kicked off for this rocking excursion at 8 o’clock in the morning. All the preparations were done before starting this journey and the entire plan for this whole day was designed. Breakfast was served in the bus and all the student were in a very jolly mood. They were dressed in BIZ BEE T-shirts and dancing with flabbergast music. Time was passing out with lots of enjoyment. After passing the metro area when we started going by highway, we saw the beautiful greenery of rural Bangladesh. The panorama of both side of the road was very stunning.


When we reached at the factory, we found the staffs are very hospitable. They guided us on the visit of the factory. There, we saw the production activities of five different soft drinks; they are Coca-Cola, Sprit, Fanta, Fanta-Lemon and Sunfill. We saw how those soft drinks were processed and filled into the bottles. The plastic bottles are made in this factory and the others are imported from abroad.


Processing unit of the factory

An employee explaining the process of production of soft drinks 
Chief Engineer answering the questions of the students
The ingredients of those drinks are also imported from out of the country. They also told us about their distribution system. The marketing team surveys the demand of those products in the market and the authority ensured the supply. After visiting the entire factory, students were taken to the conference room where the chief engineer of this factory answered the question of the students.

@ BARD (Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development)
Hallway of BARD
The visit of BARD was also very tremendous. Students found the taste of natural beauty and enjoyed those eye-catching vistas. BARD was consisting of some beautiful buildings, a number of artificial lakes and lots of trees. Most of those trees were unknown for the students. The entire area was very large. As we were running out of time, so we could not take much time. We stared for Dhaka at 6 o’clock. Advisor of BIZ BEE, Mr. Jabir Al Mursalin was with us on this tour.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Samina Akter Rupa

Speakers said about the current market position and business possibilities of the main cash crop of Bangladesh, Jute on a seminar titled “FUTURE OF THE GOLDEN FIBER”. 

From Left: Suntu Kumar Ghosh, Mahmudul Haq, Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Dr. Ainun Nishat, Dr. Kamal Uddin

This seminar was organized by BIZ BEE on 13th October, 2010 in GDLN Conference Room of BRAC University. The Chief Guest Speaker, Dr. Kamal Uddin who is the Director General of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute and working for 33 years on Jute research said that Bangladeshi Scientists invented new technologies and methods for producing high quality of jute and the latest invention was the Gene mapping of jute which helped it to gain international recognition. 

Dr. Kamal uddin, Director General of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, during his speech in the seminar.

Different varieties of Jute like 0-9897, 0-72, Bangkim, Lagan and many more are producing in Bangladesh and demand of jute products are increasing significantly in international market. One of the most demanding products is Fire Retardant Jute Fiber and Fabrics which does not blemished by Fire. Other products are Wool, Bucket, Sweater, Sock, Blanket, Prayer mat, Bag, Mat, Napkin, Bandage, Curtain, Cloth, Thread, Plastic, Paper, Acid, Oil, jeans and so on. Dr. Kamal Uddin also showed some samples of those products and inspired the students to use them in their daily life.


Mr. Mahmudul Haq, Former Vice-Chairman of Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association, was the Guest Speaker of this event. He also shared his experiences with the students. He said that business related to jute is very profitable for this country but for taking some wrong decision by our government this sector is facing loses. Government is not showing much interest and political issues are also related with this. Mr. Mahmudul Haq showed a graph which presented the year wise export of Jute Goods by BJMC (Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation), BJMA (Bangladesh Jute Mills Association) and BJSA (Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association).

Mahmudul Haq, Former Vice-Chairman of Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association, during his speech in the seminar

The Chief Guest of this seminar, Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University, Dr. Ainun Nishat is now engaged with the construction of PADMA Bridge and shared that he is going to use jute bags for keeping heavy stones inside the water under the bridge.

Dr. Ainun Nishat, Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University, during his speech in the seminar  

Pro Vice- Chancellor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Registrar Mr. Ishfaq Ilahi Choudhury and faculties of BRAC University were also present there. The seminar was followed by a Q & A session and the student got significant answer of their question.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Workshop on “Leadership Skill Development and Business Plan Construction & Presentation”

Zara Khair

On 9th October, 2010 BRAC University Business Club organized a day long workshop on “Leadership Skill Development and Business Plan Construction & Presentation”. The program kicked off at 10 AM with Ishfaq Ilahi Choudhury, Registrar of BRAC University, giving his presentation titled “Leadership Challenge for the Young Executive”. He shared his real life experiences and strategies on leadership development.

Isfaq Ilahi Choudhury, Registrar of BRAC University, taking the session on "Leadership Skill Development"
At the same time he talked about several world famous leaders in the political as well as social arenas, about their achievements and failures, and how they revolutionized and shaped the world today. Many important issues came up in the question-answer session and one of them was the importance of building a second line leadership in context to Bangladeshi corporate culture. After the first session, students were given a refreshment break.

Muhammad Intisar Alam, Lecturer of BRAC Business School, taking the session on “Business Plan Construction & Presentation”
After that Muhammad Intisar Alam, Lecturer of BRAC Business School, conducted another workshop on “Business Plan Construction & Presentation”. The detailed Business Plan writing format and tactics were demonstrated which was very useful for the students. He also described common and formidable errors that students tend to make and showed us ways of improvement.

Participants giving the presentation on their following Business Plan
After the intense session, students were divided into seven groups each consisting of three members for a competition on “Business Plan Presentation”. They were asked to launch a new product or service in the Bangladeshi market highlighting its objectives and unique features. Thus after the lunch break, the much-awaited nerve wracking presentations of each group began. Each group had about one hour to prepare themselves and only ten minutes for a group presentation.

These versatile and creative students came up with seven new products/services and they were: Electronic system with CCTV at traffic signals of Dhaka for letting priority cars (ambulances, school buses, etc) pass, totally flexible fold-able and fashionable spectacles, cheap water-run small cars concentrating rural zones, electronic rechargeable cigarettes to help smokers give up smoking, solar power generation plant, Bangla-robot which is a robot that would help urban people with their daily chores and alarm-system refrigerator to detect contaminated food. These ideas were very well received by a cheerful audience who appreciated and congratulated each group for their innovation and presentation.

Winner of the Presentation Competition. (Ding-Dong Refrigerator Ltd)

1st Runners Up.(Softtech Solutions Ltd.)
2nd Runners Up, (CEFC, Converted Environment Friendly Car, Ltd)
The first prize was taken by Ding-Dong Refrigerator Ltd. (alarm-system refrigerator to detect contaminated food), the first runners up was Softtech Solutions Ltd. (Electronic system with CCTV at traffic signals of Dhaka for letting priority cars (ambulances, school buses, etc) pass) and the second runners up was CEFC (Converted Environment Friendly Car) Ltd. (cheap water-run small cars concentrating rural zones) Trophy and prizes were distributed by Mr. Najmul Hasan, Students Affairs Officer, and Naimul Rashid, President of BIZ BEE, who were also the judge of the competition.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Eshita Newaz & Farah Tasmem

To welcome the new members of BRAC University Business Club, an orientation program ‘Face 2 Face’ was held in October 6, 2010. The Indoor Games Room of BRAC University was decorated by all the members of BIZBEE from in the morning. It was the time of celebration for this club, therefore in every semester they organize this program with lots of excitements. It’s about the strong unity among the members of BIZBEE, that’s why they worked a whole day mutually to make this event special for new general members. They decorated the room with lots of glitters, masks, colors, lights, and so on.

Earlier than starting the program the participants were tryout their arrangements. At 5pm the program was started with a very cheerful look. The Indoor Games Room got a new glance for the exceptional embellishment. Colorful lights were moving around the room and gave a charismatic gaze. Rocking music warmed up everyone and got them ready for an amusing event. A senior executive of creative team, Mahi Mashriva Hossain and an executive of external affair, Mir Mudassir Ahmed hosted the entire show. At the beginning, everyone maintained 1 minute of silence for honoring the dead father of one of the executives. 

Here are the some clips from the show

The show was started with the speech of the president, Naimul Rashid. After his short  speech the main fascinating episode began. Slide shows, songs, dance, short movie, games were the fractions of this ‘Face 2 Face’. Songs by Umme Ruhani and Raihan Jamil were very pleasurable. Prianka Das kotha danced and grabbed everyone’s attention.

Decoration @ FACE 2 FACE
The short movie was prepared by the members of BIZBEE named ‘Shagorer Buke Nodi’ which was directed by Tanvir Ahsan. The movie was full of fun and everyone enjoyed it very much as it made them laugh like crazy. There was also a game show for the fresher, “Musical Chair”. Five of the fresher played this game and the winner named “Abha” won a prize.

From left: Mirza Zillur Rahman & Naimul Rashid
The show ended with a song by Naimul Rashid and Mirza Zillur Rahman. Within one and half an hour the program concluded with refreshment by BFC.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Interview Session of BIZ BEE

Eshita Newaz

For recruiting new members for BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE), an interview session was held on 3rd October, 2010 as it was anticipated in every semester. The students, who signed up for BIZ BEE in the club fair were called for this interview session. It started from 5 p.m. Before entering in the interview room, the students filled up a questioner about themselves as BIZ BEE always looks for active and energetic members.

A student at the Interview Session

The President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Directors and Assistant- Directors were in the interview board. The students were briefly introduced with the regular activities of BIZ BEE by the volunteers before going for the interview. The whole session was very formal as BIZ BEE follows the norms and regulations of corporate culture. In the interview room, there were three boards. Each board was consisted of three members. The students were asked different types of questions to get to know about their enthusiasm and interest to work with BIZ BEE.

Questions were about business, time management, organization, creativity, expectation and so on. Students shared their business related thoughts and obligations with them. Lots of new views and ideas came out from students as well as some claptrap also found there. By analyzing the overall performance, general members were selected. Therefore, selected members were given the invitation card for joining Face 2 Face which will held on 6th October, 2010 in Indoor Games Room.